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Aalaryn and Vevina - The Test

Although it is winter and snow covers the grounds of the White Tower this garden is shielded by the One Power from the weather.  An invisible dome keeps out the snow leaving the paths free.  Occasionally Aes Sedai will come, and with the use of the Power, warm the air to keep the flowers blossoming in this very private and quiet garden.    [Aalaryn]

Sitting on the soft grass is Aalaryn, her legs tucked up beneath her.  On the grass before her is a large book that is currently closed.  She looks towards the glass door, awaiting the young woman that she had summoned.  That woman would be Vevina.  [Aalaryn]

You tell the group, 'okay, scene is set, now you can come in.  You were summoned by an Aes Sedai, which means, drop what you are doing and go.  An Accepted brought you to the doors.'

Vevina quickly walks in as she has been summoned by Aalaryn, an Aes Sedai, who she has looked up to since she was a young child. As soon as she sees Aalaryn she quickly walks over and asks "Good morrow Aes Sedai

Aalaryn's lips form into a smile.  "Hello Vevina."  Light!  She knows your name!  Gesturing towards the soft grass she asks, "Would you care to join me?"

Vevina a slight surprised look comes across her face as she learns an Aes Sedai know her name! As she hears the Aes Sedai's question, she politely replies, "Not at all, Aes Sedai"

Aalaryn nods to Vevina.  While the girl settles in the Red gently moves the heavy leather bound book closer to her.  "Vevina, how long have you been with us here," she gestures towards the general area of the Shining Walls, "in the Tower?"

Vevina ponders for a moment... "For as long as I can remember. If my memory serves me, my mother told me I was born shortly after her arrival in the tower, Aes Sedai."

"Yes, you were very young." Aalaryn smooths her skirts with her right hand while leaning on her left.  "I have noticed that you have found chores to attend to while the Novices are at lesson.  Tell me," she pauses and glances to you, asking, "Do you enjoy the lessons?"  [Aalaryn]

Vevina shyly replies as she sits in front of the Aes Sedai, "Yes I thoroughly enjoy the lessons. They are wondrous to me, and I have always dreamed of becoming one of you, Aes Sedai."

"Truly?"  The Red smiles, your words seem to have truly warmed her heart.  "It is not an easy path, to learn to become Aes Sedai... but you have seen that in your time here."  Aalaryn's eyes meet with yours.  "Tell me, Vevina, what would you say if you were given the chance to learn here?"  [Aalaryn]

Vevina replies earnestly, "If I were given a chance to learn here, I would most definitely take that chance, Aes Sedai" she then shyly looks down into her hands of which are fumbling around from nervousness.

Aalaryn's honeyed locks shift slightly as she nods to you.  "Very well," the Red sits up straight, her knees under her, "first there is an exercise that we must do.  I need you to do exactly as I say.  Understood Vevina?"

"First you should sit comfortably," Aalaryn says.  "If that is cross-legged, that is fine.  Comfort is key."  [Aalaryn]

Vevina adjusts herself to where she is comfortable, and that is cross legged. "Okay, I am comfortable, Aes Sedai" 

Aalaryn gives a quick nod to Vevina.  "Very good.  Now, close your eyes and clear your mind.  Let your worries about chores disappear."

Vevina closes her eyes and clears her mind by breathing in and out slowly... Then she calmly says, "I have cleared my mind, Aes Sedai." 

Aalaryn watches the young girl as she follows her instructions.  The warm glow of saidar surrounds the Aes Sedai, her eyes still upon the youth.  "Now," she begins, "I want you to picture a lovely field, it is a beautiful day, there is a soft breeze and it is not too hot.  In this field are flowers but there is one flower that is especially beautiful..."  She allows her words to trail off as to give Vevina a moment to paint her mental image.

Vevina relaxes her shoulders as she begins to see this beautiful scenery in her mind... the flower that she sees is a beautiful pink with yellow highlights all throughout...  

Aalaryn's voice is gentle and steady, "Do you see the flower?  Focus only on that flower... tell me about it."

Vevina replies to the Aes Sedai, "Yes I see the flower, Aes Sedai... The flower is a magnificent pink with yellow highlights all throughout. The stem is a beautiful deep green hue and there are two leafs on the stem, Aes Sedai"

"Lovely."  The Red waits for a moment, the span of two or three heart beats before continuing.  "Now the sun is warm and it is climbing in the sky, do you feel the warmth?  What does the flower do?"  [Aalaryn]

Vevina  says, "I do feel the warmth of the sun. The flower is opening wider... and it seems to be leaning towards the sun as it comes up, Aes Sedai"

Aalaryn has been watching Vevina closely while holding saidar.  As the youth speaks of the flower and how it opens up to the warmth of the sun the Red takes note of the very same glow.  "Very good.. now," she pauses for a moment, preparing to weave flows of spirit to shield the girl, "you have spent the day in the field, the sun is now setting and night is creeping in.. share with me what you see, what you feel Vevina."

Vevina thinks for a moment and then replies, "As the night comes I feel the cool air of the night brush against my skin, and it is refreshing like getting into a lake. It feels... Serene, Aes Sedai."

Aalaryn nods, even though the girl cannot see it.  "I always enjoyed the twilight time, the sky is always so pretty at sunset."

Vevina then continues, "As for the flower, it begins to slowly close because it is the night time, and it is cool outside, Aes Sedai."

The Red is relieved as the glow around Vevina fades away.  "Yes, it will bloom again when the sun returns.."  Aalaryn watches the young woman before her, "Very good, Vevina, you may open your eyes."  [Aalaryn]

Vevina gratefully says, "Thank you, Aes Sedai."

The soft glow of saidar fades from around Aalaryn.  A warm smile forms upon her lips.  "Vevina, dear, I wish to speak to your mother as soon as I can.  You, my dear child, have the gift."  She watches Vevina's face for her reaction, "You have the chance to be trained here, in the Tower, as a Novice.  But these things take time, and first I would speak with your mother."  [Aalaryn]

Vevina gasps happily as she has finally gotten the chance she has wanted her entire life. "That's amazing! Thank you, Aes Sedai!”

Aalaryn smiles, "You do not need to do your normal daily duties today.  Take the time to spend with your mother, speak with her.  Let her know that Aalaryn Sedai willcome to speak to her tonight after the dinner meal." 

Vevina says "Oh, thank you Aes Sedai! I will make sure to tell my mother that you should be coming to speak with her. Have a good day, Aes Sedai." She then excitedly hurries off to go tell her mother the good news, while waving good bye to the Aes Sedai.

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