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      Aalaryn was brought to the White Tower when she was fourteen.  She was not exactly thrilled to be leaving home either.  At the tender age of fourteen the fair haired girl had established a crush on the neighbor boy.  He was six years her senior but in her eyes he could do no wrong.  It was as if the Light placed him on the earth just for her.  Then there was the issue that Aalaryn was quite spoiled by her father as her mother had died in childbirth.  Her father, Garett, was a merchant, and he must have had the Dark One's own luck because for not being Atha'an Miere he drove a good deal.  Her father would not be left alone at home, she had an elder brother with a mind for business.  Bryan would assist her father in brokering deals while Aalaryn wandered about the markets and bazaars.  It was at a bazaar in Shol Arbela that she met an Aes Sedai and her Warder.  Aalaryn had a basket over her forearm, a loaf of sweet smelling bread peeking out from beneath a white linen cloth.  The Aes Sedai, well let's be honest at first Aalaryn had no idea she was Aes Sedai, stopped to ask her where she found the freshly baked bread.  As she turned around to give directions to the baker the woman struck up a converstation with her.  She asked questions about her life, if she had ever been very ill, strangely timed questions for an outdoor market but not in any way considered rude.  Aalaryn answered her questions, she was raised to mind those older than her.  The Aes Sedai and her Warder exchanged glances and then, from what could have been left field, the Aes Sedai asked to speak to Aalaryn's parents.  Uncertain if she had offended the Lady she nodded and dropped a quick curtsey before leading the pair to her father.  The Aes Sedai spoke to her father at great length, and then it was decided.  Her father and the Aes Sedai instructed Aalaryn to pack, she was to leave for the White Tower for training at once.  It was hard, leaving behind everything that she knew to go to a place so far from home.  She cried the first night, would she ever see her family again?  Would she ever see the neighbor boy again?  What if she failed and was cast out of the tower? 

Aalaryn Rouskova - Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah

     Aalaryn spent ten years in Novice white.  She was, at first, quite upset about the large amount of chores and she was no stranger to the Mistress of Novices offices either.  The young Arafellin woman had a tongue on her and a rebellious streak.  She did eventually learn discipline and a few days after her birthday she was raised to Accepted. 

     The White dress bedecked with the seven bands of color felt like a writ of freedom to Aalaryn.  She had less chores and in turn she seemed to get into less trouble.  As a Novice it wasn't a week if she had not been to the Mistress of Novices, now it seemed that the young woman had learned responsibility. Other Novices, new girls to the Tower, asked her questions.  When she saw them she remembered how fearful she once was.  "Be steadfast" echoed in her mind.  She made it a point to try and help the other Novices feel more at home.  Her time as an accepted seemed to fly by compared to the time she spent as a Novice.  Almost six years later Aalaryn was summoned to the Dawning Pool  where she swore the Three Oaths and was welcomed into the Red Ajah. 


     For being of the Red Ajah, Aalaryn is very different.  She does not hate men in the slightest.  She has always been curious as to how channeling is for men.  What is saidin like?  She spent a good deal of time in the Library of the Tower at study, pouring through books of past history, looking for a way to understand.  She did not find out what saidin is like but, she did learn of the Red Ajah's former task.  The Red Ajah was  more concerned with misuse of the One Power inn general, and traveled in search of girls with the spark (or simply the ability to learn to channel) to bring back to the White Tower for training, than in the hunt for men who could channel.

     When Elaida was Amyrlin Aalaryn spoke up when Mother banished all of the Blue Ajah from the White Tower, it would be best for the White Tower to remain united with all Sisters welcome.  This won her an exile from the Tower.  She had only just returned to the Shining Walls with Egwene al'Vere was raised to Amyrlin.  Having spent time at home Aalaryn began to grow bolder.  She'd venture out onto the Training Yards, a place where Red Sisters are rarely seen, and speak with the Trainees, wanting to know how training was for them.  Her time of exile coupled with her studious nature brought forth her Brown and Yellow tendencies.  When she learned that a delegation would be going to see out the Asha'man she wanted to go.  She learned of the Red Sisters in the delegation and traveled with them to Caemlyn.  It is there that she took her own agenda in hand and sought out the Asha'man on her own.

     She has sworn fealty to Rand al'Thor, the Dragon Reborn.  She now lives on the Farm and stays with the Asha'man, she will not be returning to the White Tower any time soon.

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